Picasso Jasper Concave Solid Double Flare Plugs
Picasso Jasper Concave Solid Double Flare Plugs Picasso Jasper Concave Solid Double Flare Plugs Picasso Jasper Concave Solid Double Flare Plugs
$ 124.95 USD

• These are available from sizes 1-3/8" through 3" with a 1/2" wearable.

• These are sold as a pair.

• You will receive a pair similar to those in the photo.

• Chakras- All

• Metaphysical- Picasso Jasper is said to have very strong properties of calming and grounding, making it an ideal stone to use in conjunction with others.

• About- Picasso Jasper is not actually a jasper at all but rather a marble, meaning that it started out as a sedimentary rock that was formed by plant life, sediments and other debris. The rock was then changed by massive amounts of heat and pressure to turn it into marble, thus making it metamorphic.