Large Akha Plugs with Chain Adornments
Large Akha Plugs with Chain Adornments Large Akha Plugs with Chain Adornments Large Akha Plugs with Chain Adornments Large Akha Plugs with Chain Adornments Large Akha Plugs with Chain Adornments
$ 649.95

• Location- Laos

• Estimated Age- Early 20th Century 

• Absolutely stunning! These pieces are from the Akha people of Northern Laos. These feature a completely chased front floral pattern which is then soldered to the backing, wrapped in fibers and draped with chained adornments. The front flare measures about 43mm while the rear flare is about 7/8" (22mm). The wearable size is also 7/8" (22mm) and the wearable area is about 9/16" (14mm). The length of the chain adornments is a impressive 2 feet (24 inches).